Keto Picatta

Keto Picatta

Nei quattro anni in cui ho vissuto nel nord est dell'Italia, la mia cosa preferita era il cibo.

And by that, I roughly mean that in the shadow of the Dolomites, my greatest enduring love in four years in Italy was definitely the food.

Staying keto can be hard. I love pasta. There's links on this very site to me making homemade pasta (and there may end up being more; it's a crutch for cheating).


  • ~20 parmesan crisps
  • ¼ lb pork skins (chicharrons)
  • 2 tbsp Italian seasoning
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • ½ lb pork chops
  • ¼ cup butter
  • ¼ cup pinot grigio
  • 1 tbsp capers, drained
  • ¼ cup lemon juice


  1. Grind chicharrons (pork skins) and parmesan crisps in blender until powdery
  2. Place on plate, add Italian seasoning and shake to mix
  3. Pound out pork chops until extremely thin, and trim any additional fat off the edges if necessary
  4. Crack eggs and whisk, place in another shallow plate
  5. Dredge pork chops through egg wash, then thoroughly coat with pork rind/parm crisp powder
  6. Heat oil on medium-high in cast iron pan
  7. Fry pork chops until golden brown, then transfer to a paper towel lined plate and put in a warming oven at approximately 135° F to maintain heat until serving
  8. When done with all pork chops, deglaze the pan first with the butter, then when it begins to brown, add the lemon juice, pinot grigio and capers
  9. Stir constantly until liquid reduces by approximately 1/4; should still be thin liquid
  10. Top chops with liberal amount of sauce and capers. Optionally, add some parsley sprigs
Keto Pork Picatta " "